Download Okru videos without watermark: HD quality, free, easy, and safe.
Quick and easy way to save high-quality MP4/MP3 content directly to your device
Search for the video on social media sites (TikTok, Facebook, Threads, Instagram, etc.), then copy the URL.
Go to, paste the Video link into the input field, and click the Download button.
iDownloader will help you download your videos easily. Get the full video experience and don't miss anything.
Select your preferred format (MP4, MP3, or Image) and save it to your device.
Say goodbye to slow downloads and clunky tools! Grab your favorite videos in HD, fast & FREE, from ALL your favorite platforms.
Download videos from a wide range of platforms in multiple formats including MP4, M4A, and 3GP.
Extract and download high-quality audio files from videos when available.
Our downloader works seamlessly on mobile devices, allowing you to save videos on the go.